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Vet Emergency London 24h/24

Vet at home : our comprehensive equipment

Our in-home vets have a full range of equipment suitable for dealing with the main veterinary emergencies, even serious ones.

Discover our comprehensive equipment ! Our in-home veterinarian can effectively treat more than 90% of veterinary emergencies, even the most serious cases.

  1. Classical examination equipment
  2. How can we provide minor surgeries at home ?
  3. Vet at Home London : realtime blood tests
  4. Ensuring euthanasia at home
Vet Emergency London 24h/24

Classical examination equipment

Our equipment represents almost 20kg divided into 2 intervention bags.

To carry out a standard examination, our equipment consists of:

  1. A complete therapeutic arsenal for the management of pain, trauma and antibiotic coverage
  2. A home resuscitation kit for anaesthetics and animals in cardiorespiratory arrest.
  3. Equipment for examining the ears, oral cavity and eyes
  4. Equipment for infusing your pet at home: catheter and infusion bags.
Vet Emergency London 24h/24

Treatment of wounds and surgery at home

If necessary, our vets can anaesthetise and operate on our patients. We can carry out

  1. Suture minor wounds such as dog bites
  2. skin tears or cuts (e.g. wire mesh)
  3. reopen post-operative wounds.

We have everything you need to manage wounds and dressings.Our teams also have all the equipment needed to euthanise your pet at home if the situation so requires.

Vet Emergency London 24h/24

Blood tests carried out at home

Thanks to technological advances, many analyses can now be carried out at home, with immediate results:

  1. Investigation of renal function, by analysing creatinine levels
  2. Glycaemia tests for diagnosing and monitoring diabetic pets
  3. Haematocrit measurement to assess possible anaemia in an emergency.

These analyses are essential for our vets to make a diagnosis and implement the best treatment.

Vet Emergency London 24h/24

Ensuring euthanasia at home

Medicalised end-of-life care is a procedure that pet owners are increasingly requesting.

Managing euthanasia in your home requires time and attention.

Our equipment allows us to reassure your pet in its usual environment, surrounded by the family. Once your pet has calmed down and is unconscious, we carry out the lethal injection.

If you wish, our vet can take charge of the body of your deceased pet.